This functional and extremely sketchy tilt-wing VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) prototype was constructed as a project for my Applied Science Research class in high school. The aircraft flew on a KK2.1 flight control board reflashed with OpenAero-VTOL firmware, and transition mixes and PID parameters were programmed for various phases of flight. The aircraft successfully demonstrated takeoffs, landings, and cruise in VTOL, Fast Forward Flight, and Slow Forward Flight configurations. Being my first aircraft designed from scratch, it was constructed with barebones aerospace knowledge gleaned from an Instructables, and understandably had some stability issues (most notably an intense Dutch Roll tendency). Stability augmentations were made through active stabilization for all flight phases via the flight controller, and a multitude of test flights were conducted. By the time the aircraft was retired, its structure consisted primarily of hot glue and hope.